"Energy efficiency in condominiums problems and opportunities": the Piemonte OSS involves the condominium managers
The first online workshop organised on April 7th by Piemonte Region and Environment Park to promote the activity of the newborn One-Stop-Shop in Piemonte was a great success.

3 days to go: Don't miss out on the EUROPA mentoring programme
The EUROPA mentoring programme is a fantastic six-month peer-learning journey that invites mentees to explore the EUROPA One-Stop-Shop (OSS) and Energy Efficiency Subscription (EES) together with one of our Pilot Regions.

Launch of the Call for Mentees for the EUROPA Mentoring Process
The EUROPA mentoring programme is open to primary stakeholders for deep energy renovations (of residential buildings) in their regional context.

Announcement of the mentoring programme for the EUROPA Replication Process
With the new year 2022, EUROPA will start into a new exciting phase of the project: the EUROPA Replication Process with its mentoring programme.

The launch of the ‘Piedmont Energy’ One-Stop-Shop
On November 23rd, Regione Piemonte & Environment Park launched their ‘Piedmont Energy’ One-Stop-Shop aimed at addressing citizens’ doubts and issues regarding the Italian Superbonus 110%.

Ekubirojs OSS is now live: Kopā ar Tevi ceļā uz renovētām mājām
After one year from the beginning of the EUROPA project, Ekubirojs launches its virtual One-Stop-Shop to make Latvians’ building renovation journey simpler, better, and more transparent..

AREANATejo launches its EUROPA One-Stop-Shop
Last Tuesday, November 26th, AREANATejo launched its EUROPA One-Stop-Shop in the Alto Alentejo sub-region in Portugal.

AREANATejo presents EUROPA at the Portugal Air Summit 2021
From October 13th to 17th 2021, AEANATejo attended Portugal Air Summit 2021 event, in Ponte Sor, Portugal. This event is considered one of the largest national events dedicated to the aeronautics sector.

EUROPA joins #REDay 2021
On the occasion of #REDay 2021, the EUROPA Consortium would like to thank Climate Alliance for hosting the third project meeting that was held hybrid (in-person and virtual) in Frankfurt.

AREANATejo signs Collaboration Agreements with Municipalities of Alto Alentejo region for the implementation of EUROPA Project
In the last months of July and August, AREANATejo met with several market operators, condominium associations, Municipalities and other relevant stakeholders, with the aim of creating synergies to implement the actions foreseen under EUROPA Project.

Eza! And its One-Stop-Shop Mission in the Allgäu Region
In the German pilot region of Allgäu, eza! is starting on its One-Stop-Shop Mission. We envision an OSS that is a kind of match-maker for the interested home owners and companies that can carry out the renovation, so our first goal is to get in contact with interested parties.

Fcubed leads a Mutual Learning workshop on financing framework for EES
On 6th July 2020, Funding for Future B.V. (“Fcubed”) led a workshop with project partners to discuss a framework for financing of the Energy Efficiency Subscription (“EES”) developed under the EUROPA project.

Ekubirojs signs Collaboration Agreement with Riga Energy Agency
On July 5th, Ekubirojs signed a Collaboration Agreement with Riga Energy Agency (REA), which is an independent, non-profit municipal agency founded in 2007 in order to ensure efficient energy management towards smart and sustainable urban development in Riga, Latvia.

Regione Piemonte and Environment Park: MoUs, Meetings with Operators, and Collective Efforts to boost dEEp Building Renovation
The One-Stop-Stop services to be launched soon in Regione Piemonte with the support of Environment Park have been discussed and designed after a long run of meetings with all main stakeholders active in the Region in the context of renovation of buildings with energy efficiency measures.

MoU between Piemonte Region, Environment Park and ATC Piemonte Centrale
Piemonte Region and Environment Park signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with ATC Piemonte Centrale, which is the largest social housing company in Piemonte, for delivering technical support throughout the implementation of the Europa project

Kick-Off Meeting
EUROPA KICK-OFF: Delivering the benefits of energy efficiency and building renovation