Say Hello to Europa!

A coordinated regional effort to set up One-Stop-Shops across Europe to connect all stakeholders.

Our Vision

We’re committed to a deep renovation journey that is simpler, better and a joint undertaking. We strive for buildings that deliver safety, health and comfort, ensuring residents’ well-being. Our homes are environmentally sustainable, deliver climate resilience and have a reduced carbon footprint. To get there, a simplified and transparent deep renovation project that involves all stakeholders and experts is needed to get the best results. Renovating residential buildings provides numerous advantages through an attractive journey.

What renovation journey are you on?

Are you looking to renovate your building?

We make your renovation journey simpler, better, bringing all stakeholders together.

Do you work in building renovation?

Do you

Profit from market advantages that stem from the Energy Efficiency Subscription model and pipeline of buildings.

Our Mission



Through the EUROPA project, we deliver a One-Stop-Shop that facilitates and/or enables coordination of all stakeholders across the user journey in 5 different European countries. Led by the regional partners, the One-Stop-Shops enable alignment and support of all stakeholders in the deep renovation process of residential buildings.

Energy Efficiency Subscription

We develop an Energy Efficiency Subscription or a set of technical specifications, procedures, and standard contractual arrangements to ensure guaranteed energy savings from the deep renovation of residential buildings.

Digital Innovation

We ensure that we can accelerate the renovation wave across Europe through EUROPA digital onboarding using the SUNShINE platform to guarantee a simple and better renovation journey.

We make your renovation journey simple, better, together.

Digitize your building renovation wave with the SUNShINE platform, powered by EUROPA

Ready to start? Let's build something together!