Regione Piemonte is the government authority of one of the largest Italian regions with 4.300.000 inhabitants and 1.181 municipalities. One of its missions is the promotion of renewables, energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions reduction by implementing a Regional Energy Plan. In addition, it is responsible for managing Energy Performance Certificates for buildings in the entire region. Regione Piemonte regularly interacts with a wide range of regional and local stakeholders. Since 2009, it has been the territorial coordinator of the Covenant of Mayors.

Regione Piemonte
In the implementation of the regional one stop shop, Regione Piemonte is supported by Environment Park, a public company responsible for the management of the environmental technological park of Turin. It supports public authorities in the implementation of environmental and sustainable energy policies and enterprises in developing cleaner and more eco-efficient products and processes.
Regione Piemonte is the overall EUROPA project coordinator, while Environment Park leads and coordinates the activities foreseen for the design and adaptation of the Energy Efficiency Subscription (EES) scheme. They jointly manage the One-Stop-Shop and promote the EES scheme in Piemonte Region.
The Piemonte OSS is intended to be a catalyst of multidisciplinary expertises which will support the investment journey of house owners and property managers. They will receive a customized consulting service for the energy renovation of their house. The OSS service will support clients to find the best technical and financial solution for their needs and support them to start their project in the best way. In this way, it will be possible to achieve more energy savings and a faster return on investments
In the Piemonte region, the EES has been adapted following the national and regional technical and legal requirements, with a focus on the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) financing approach for social house companies. The scheme is, indeed, used to primarily support the social housing companies to implement initiatives of deep energy renovation of their real estate. It will be a helpful instrument for the definition of technical requirements for the requests and assessment of bids from market operators.

Sportello Energia 110
Via Livorno 60
10144 Torino (Italy)
Contact Information:
T: +39 011 2257566