The region is located in southern Germany in the federal state of Bavaria. The Allgäu reaches from the foothills of the alps up to higher altitudes and reaches the border of Austria. It’s culture and lifestyle are rooted in the traditions of the region and life in communities. A few cities provide an interesting addition and contrast to the more rural roots. Tourism is a big industry and generates a lot of income in the region as well as a significant amount of buildings for accommodation.

Energie- und Umweltzentrum Allgäu / eza!
The building stock consists of many single-family homes but also, mainly in the cities, multi-family homes.
Some of those are held as condominiums, which means a big challenge in the renovation process, as finding common ground and legal aspects are more difficult where more than one party has an interest in the development of a building. One of the goals eza! has for the EUROPA project is to provide advice for condominiums, but as well to housing management companies that are in charge of larger buildings.
Another challenge in making the building stock future-ready is the question of financing. eza! hopes to implement a process that helps to realize projects, that would otherwise not be completed. For this we want to provide assistance in incorporating the existing subsidies in the most efficient way. Ideally this service will be provided in form of a one-stop-shop, where stakeholders on both sides can be matched and start working together on actual projects. Our partners in construction are trusted and the quality of their work is checked regularly.

Energie- und Umweltzentrum Allgäu / eza!
Burgstr. 26
87435 Kempten (Allgäu)
Contact Information:
T: +49 (0) 831-960286-40