“EUROPA at the ORFEE Final Conference”
The EUROPA project was present at the final conference of the ORFEE project on the 20th of June in Bruxelles, getting insights from the SERAFIN network of the One-Stop-Shops in France.
Together with other projects across Europe, we learnt about the examples of the six French Third-Party Financing companies developed by the project. Speakers from Bordeaux Metropole Energies, Octave and Energies Demain described the financial aspects, the role of SMEs, the advantage of public-private approach in the Integrated Home Renovation Services for residential buildings. We learnt about the different levels of support provided by the network, such as:
- the Support/Assistant: the network provides information and advice required by the households, independently of the contracts and any project manager, with whom it has no direct contractual relationship;
- the Project Owner Delegate: supervision of the work cased on a mandate from the owners, organization of consultations, selection of companies, monitoring of the proper execution on behalf of the owner;
- the Project Management: design of the renovation programme, supervision of the work and contractors, acceptance of the work;
- the Main Contractor: design of the renovation programme, selection of subcontractors under the responsibility of the network, supervision of the work and contractors including site visits, acceptance of the work.
Energy Cities was an excellent organizer. Most of the actors will be onboard on the new EU-Peers project starting soon on September 1st, 2023. The EUROPA project is part of the network and will feed the community of practice with relevant input.
Our Final Conference is scheduled on the 12th of September, 2023, in Torino. Stay tuned!