Onsite Regional Meeting in Portalegre for the Portuguese Mentees
On July 7th and 8th 2022, AREANATejo welcomed some of the Portuguese mentees participating in EUROPA Replication Process in Portalegre (Alto Alentejo region).

The Onsite Regional Meeting was a 1,5 days to dig down the development and implementation of the AREANATejo One-Stop-Shop and related topics. In the first part of the meeting, the group of mentees had the chance to attend the «Energy Renovation in Residential Buildings» Workshop, which was led by AREANATejo in the scope of EUROPA Project.

Several experts were invited to the panel discussion and presented relevant and very interesting information in the scope of themes like: «How to make urban renovation happen? Urban and fiscal instruments», «Building Information Modeling’s contributions to urban renovation», «Energy renovation as an architectural program in urban design», «The role of ESCOs in the renovation of buildings and residential infrastructures – success stories». This event fostered open dialogue and the debate among participants, bringing some ideas to the brainstorm in the afternoon: the group of mentees illustrated their idea of OSS model/diagram and concluded that establishing partnerships/synergies at national level could be a potential and valuable possibility in order to maximize and boost its role, its effectiveness, and its sustainability. Then, the participants joined a training and capacity building activity related to the morning workshop (ENERGIZER) called «To draw a path towards a deep renovated building».
The Onsite Regional Meeting ended with a study visit on the morning of July 8th:
- Study Visit to Social Housing (in Cunheira), where there are ongoing works of rehabilitation/renovation (namely replacement of glazing and improvement of insulation);

- Study Visit to Gavião Municipal Swimming Pool, where several interventions of deep renovation were implemented, such as thermal insulation on facades and roofs, glazing replacement, installation of pellet boiler, installation of solar thermal system (for heating), installation of photovoltaic solar system and lighting replacement (for LED).

Mentors and mentees will meet again for the EUROPA Mid-term Conference and the final meeting of the EUROPA Replication Process in October 2022.