
The Launch of the SUNShINE Platform Powered by EUROPA


One year before the end of the EUROPA project, we are gladly announcing the public launch of the SUNShINE Platform powered by EUROPA.


The new version of the Platform takes the project management tools developed in a previous project (FineerGo-Dom) and adds a new layer of connectivity and support for the One-Stop-Shops to improve its user interface and navigability.

With new additions, the user (a resident, housing association or market operator) starts on the Platform with an onboarding questionnaire, which both creates a profile and assesses their needs based on the type of user. After the successful registration, a sweep of tools becomes available to the new user: they can calculate the cost of the renovation project, evaluate the project through the EUROPA Energy Efficiency Subscription’s (EES) Checklist, and the project refinancing probability in the EES Refinanceability Checklist created in cooperation with the REFINE project.

In addition to the tools, the “Find My Partner” match-making module of the SUNShINE Platform powered by EUROPA provides a list of all the market operators in the area selected by residents/housing associations together with a summary of their work locally, which allows them to find and contact the right service provider for their renovation project. The project itself can be managed via the dedicated module on the Platform, which follows the renovation journey from the first meeting of the homeowners up to the end of the monitoring period.

Everyone involved in the project – including the residents – has access to the information about their renovation project. Transparency and accountability of the operations are at the foundation of the SUNShINE Platform.

But what are the benefits of the SUNShINE Platform powered by EUROPA for the One-Stop-Shops?

The updated version of the platform is designed to enable and upscale the work of One-Stop-Shops by allowing the editing of all the tools and questionnaires to ensure relevance of data. By doing so, the One-Stop-Shops can customise all Platform’s functionalities based on their local context and scope of operations. This is a core feature of the SUNShINE Platform powered by EUROPA as the One-Stop-Shops receive the data submitted in the questionnaires and tools directly from the users, so that the initiation and coordination of the project happens directly between all different parties involved with the needs and abilities of everyone in mind.

Are you interested in joining the SUNShINE Platform powered by EUROPA?

The SUNShINE Platform powered by EUROPA is planned to be launched at the beginning of January 2023. Stay tuned and follow the updates on the EUROPA website and social media!