
AREANATejo hosted the 5th Coordination Meeting of the EUROPA Project in Portugal


Coordinated by Piemonte Region (Italy), EUROPA has 8 more project partners from Germany, France, Holland, Italy, Latvia and Portugal, being AREANATejo the Portuguese regional partner, which has been implementing the actions foreseen in the Alto Alentejo sub-region.

On the 18th and 19th October, AREANATejo hosted the 5th Project coordination meeting in the Municipal Town Hall of Portalegre. During these two days, the EUROPA Consortium highlighted key points regarding the development of outstanding project deliverables, namely:

-Establishment of Regional One Stop Shops (and associated contacts established), as well as Workshops targeted at final consumers/end users and market operators;

-Evaluation of EUROPA Project Mentoring Programme, through which 30
participants (mentees) were given the opportunity to learn more about EUROPA Project activities (specifically the establishment of a regional one-stop-shop), understand the process of adapting it to a regional context, sharing good practices, among others;

-Mutual Learning Sessions between project partners, allowing the transfer of knowledge and sharing of experiences and resources. 

On the second day, a Mutual Learning Session took place with the objective of go deeper into EUROPA Web Platform, which aims to accompany property owners, market operators and private investors from the beginning of the decision process to the implementation of investments and verification of the performance guarantee, in order to produce concrete impacts in energy savings, in the production of RES and in the reduction of CO 2 emissions.